

All-ages manga from TOKYOPOP are now in library binding! TOKYOPOP is the leading North American publisher of manga (Japanese for "comic book"). This genre is the fastest-growing segment within publishing and young readers are clamoring for more. The Spotlight TOKYOPOP series includes Agent Boo and The Grosse Adventures Manga Chapter books.

Format Price Qty
Title ATOS Format Qty
TOKYOPOP (7 titles)
Agent Boo Vol. 3: The Heart of Iron 3.2
Grosse Adventures Vol. 1: The Good, the Bad, & the Gassy 3.6
Grosse Adventures Vol. 2: Stinky & Stan Blast Off 4.0
Grosse Adventures Vol. 3: Trouble at Twilight Cave 3.6
Kat & Mouse Vol. 1: Teacher Torture 2.5
Mail Order Ninja Vol. 1: Mail Order Ninja 3.4
Mail Order Ninja Vol. 2: Timmy Strikes Back 2.7