
Mail Order Ninja Vol. 2: Timmy Strikes Back

Timmy McAllister's life is awesomeness incarnate now that he has his very own ninja! The two of them have completely upended the school's social hierarchy - bullies quake in fear while the nerds own the hallways. But as Timmy boogey-woogeys at the school dance, Felicity seeks revenge with a little mail order madness of her own! And when Jiro falls in battle, Timmy must stand alone against the forces of evil and uncoolness. Action, drama, ninja disco dancing - this book's got it all! TOKYOPOP is the leading North American publisher of manga. This genre is the fastest growing segment within publishing and young readers are clamoring for more. Mail Order Ninja are full-manga books for readers of all ages. Spotlight is a division of ABDO and features licensed editions of popular fiction printed and bound specifically for the library market. Each Spotlight book is printed on the highest quality paper with reinforced library bindings.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey FIC
ATOS Reading Level 2.7
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level
Copyright 2009
Number of Pages 104
Dimensions 5.25 x 7.5
Graphics 1-color illustrations
Publisher Spotlight
Imprint Graphic Novels
ISBN 9781599615691
Format Reinforced Hardcover