
Free eBook Bundle from MidAmerica Books

Including 10 Free eBooks for your Library

It’s true… we want to give your library 10 free eBooks! Why? Because we know our eBooks are the perfect solution for your library, and we want you to experience them for yourself. Our ebooks come with unlimited simultaneous user access, and they are yours to keep forever. Click the link below to request your free eBook Bundle today!

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MARC Records for Your OPAC System

Current Bundles

Bundle Name Follett Destiny Other OPAC
Grades K-6 001, MRC, TXT Files 001, MRC, TXT Files
Grades 4-8 001, MRC, TXT Files 001, MRC, TXT Files
Grades 9-12 001, MRC, TXT Files 001, MRC, TXT Files

Previous Bundles

Obtain 001 and MRC files for previous bundles on our downloads page.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download
    Click on the appropriate link above to download your records in a ZIP file.
  2. Open Zip or Folder
    Depending on your computer, the ZIP file will either open or prompt you to open it. Once the ZIP file is open, its folder contains two files: a Data Kit Report (.xls) and MARC records microlif file (microlif.001 OR microfilm.mrc).
  3. Locate microlif file
    Save or move the microlif file to your desktop, or a folder where it can be easily found.
  4. Import microlif file through OPAC software
    Use your OPAC software to import the the microlif file from your desktop or folder. Do not try to open the microlif file without OPAC software. This file can only be opened with OPAC software.

If your eBooks show "No Copies," you should assign a barcode number to each title.

Contact MidAmerica Books Customer Service or call 877-382-8212 for assistance. MidAmerica Books has the software to create the MARC records, NOT the software to import the records. If needed, please contact your software company for further installation instructions.

Free Gifts

eBook Bundle Details

Readers can access the books directly from your OPAC system and/or your website. Use the simple downloads and instructions below:

Offer Restrictions:

  • Limit one free eBook Bundle per school or site
  • No Substitutions

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