
Animal Idioms

Animals make learning about language and the natural world fun! Are bees really busy? Are dogs really lazy? Animal Idioms shows readers the truth behind common expressions by examining the unique characteristics and behaviors of each animal. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Kids Core is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

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Animal Idioms (8 titles)
Birdbrain: Are Birds Dumb?
Busy as a Bee: Are Bees Active?
Eagle-Eyed: Are Eagles Sharp-Sighted?
Lazy as a Dog: Are Dogs Sluggish?
Monkey See, Monkey Do: Do Monkeys Copy?
Sly as a Fox: Are Foxes Clever?
Strong as an Ox: Are Oxen Powerful?
Stubborn as a Mule: Are Mules Headstrong?