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Core Library

51 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

  • Cover: African-American History

    Experience African-American history through the eyes of the people who lived it, from the horrors of slavery through the civil rights movement to the cultural issues African Americans have… More →

  • Cover: Alternative Energy

    The fossil fuels that power today's world are a limited resource. Luckily, scientists and engineers are developing many alternative energy sources to take their place. With clear text, vivid… More →

  • Cover: Atomic Bomb Perspectives

    In August 1945, the US government dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II. The bombings forced Japan to surrender, but they left a complicated legacy. Survivors, soldiers,… More →

  • Cover: Bioindicator Species

    Animals can help us see the effects of climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction. Bioindicator Species takes the pulse of animals already threatened by human action in order to… More →

  • Cover: Climate Change

    Earth's climate is changing. People are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. As a result, Earth is getting warmer. Storms are becoming more severe. Animals are struggling to find food… More →

  • Cover: Continents

    Which continent is the largest? Which one has the longest river or tallest mountain? These are just a few of the things children will learn from this fun, easy-to-read series that explores… More →

  • Cover: Core Library Guide to COVID-19

    In late 2019, health officials noticed a new disease spreading in Wuhan, China. They named it COVID-19. Within a few months, it became a pandemic that dramatically changed life for nearly… More →

  • Cover: Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America

    Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are… More →

  • New Cover: Core Library of US States

    STARRED: Puerto Rico is an island full of color, a vibrant energy, and people who love their heritage and tropical home. This attractive entry in the Core Library of US States series (52… More →

  • Cover: Creatures of Legend

    Throughout history, people have used folklore to make sense of the world around them. Creatures of Legend introduces you to some of the world's most popular legendary creatures. Learn where… More →

  • Cover: Daily Life in US History

    What did pioneers eat on the wide-open frontier as they made their way west? What kinds of clothes did people wear during the Civil War? What was school like in colonial America? Daily Life… More →

  • Cover: Deadly Diseases

    Throughout human history, people have been battling illnesses. Smallpox spread through cities in ancient times. The bubonic plague in the Middle Ages killed millions around the world. The… More →

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