Washington, D.C.

When "Hoop City" High head coach Tony Wilson gets cancer, Julius Dunbar, an unknown coaching circles, is chosen by the athletic director to take over the team. At first the players balk at the new hire and his "ball sharing" offense, claiming that he doesn't have what it takes to be a head coach. Coach Dunbar battles his own past while trying to convince the team to play together. Can coach Dunbar seek out redemption and write a new chapter in the school's rich history? Washington, D.C. is a book from Hoop City, an EPIC Press six set series.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 9
Dewey FIC
Lexile HL580L
ATOS Reading Level 0.0
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.0
Guided Reading Level N/A
Copyright 2016
Number of Pages 200
Dimensions 5.75 x 8.5
Publisher EPIC Press
Imprint EPIC Escape
ISBN 9781680760484, 9781680761672, QP0484
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, QR Bundle

Author: Sam Moussavi