The Rottenest Angel: #10

Angel Goodeboy is a perfect angel . . . You can almost picture a halo over his head! He even wears a T-shirt that says "Mommy's Little Angel." Bernie Bridges is horrified when Mrs. Heinie makes him share his room with Angel. She wants Angel's goodness to rub off on Bernie. But wait a minute--when no teachers are watching, Angel is no angel! The little sneak takes over Bernie's room. He steals away Bernie's friends. He charms Bernie's girlfriend. Everyone loves Angel--even Bernie's pets! There's only one way for Bernie to rule the school again. He's got to get rid of this kid! But how do you get rid of an angel? Spotlight editions are printed on high-quality paper and with reinforced library bindings specifically printed for the library market. Grades 2-5.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey FIC
Lexile 430L
ATOS Reading Level 2.8
Accelerated Reader® Points 2.0
Guided Reading Level L
Copyright 2011
Number of Pages 128
Dimensions 5.5 x 7.75
Graphics 1-color illustrations
Publisher Spotlight
Imprint Chapter Books
ISBN 9781599618340
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: R.L. Stine

Illustrator: Trip Park